Super Bracket Bros
Get ready for a multiverse showdown! Join us on Super Bracket Bros where we select some of the greatest fighters across the multiverse and pit them against one another in a grand tournament to decide who is the best of the best.
Super Bracket Bros
Bindle-Man: No Way Home for the Holiday Special
Just when you thought we couldn’t be more ambitious, the podcast Holiday crossover has gotten larger and merrier!
Welcome Bindle-Man: No Way Home for the Holiday Special! This teamup of epic proportions is from your favorite podcasts and podcasters. This year we have Super Bracket Bros, GeeK KetchUP, Game of Groans, Level Playing Field, Your Friendly Neighborhood Gamers and Ultimate Sports Mashup all coming together to bring holiday cheer!
In this episode, our podcasting gang plays some games themed around the holiday season. Emily and Kate from Game of Groans host Have Yourself a Merry Little Quizmas, a Holiday movie trivia game. Andrew from Level Playing Field and Your Friendly Neighborhood Gamers hosts a Christmas music version of Synonym Roll, the game where song titles have been changed to synonyms and players have to guess the original. Finally, Jay from Super Bracket Bros and Ultimate Sports Mashup host, of course, a bracket. This year, the tournament was to decide the best Christmas movie of all time. Hilarity and bindles ensue.
If you enjoy this episode, let us know! And please check out all of the shows represented on this episode! Thank you and have a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Super Bracket Bros
GeeK KetchUp
Game of Groans
Level Playing Field
Ultimate Sports Mashup
Your Friendly Neighborhood Gamers